Corias - Core Interpretation Assistance - 74, Allee de la Robertsau F-67000 Strasbourg
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© Corias 2020 - All rights reserved.
CORIAS is an Engineering company that has developed new instrumentation and software to analyze geological features on cores and to enhance the interpretive capabilities.
The Company specializes in fractures analysis in oil field and civil engineering and continues to be recognized leader in the domain.
The Corias AS3D digitizer is the only way to perform a relevant fracture analysis on old slabbed or broken cores.

CORIAS brings vast experience in high precision core reorientation, fracture description and structural analysis along with invaluable worldwide record.
We have managed several worldwide projects including both offshore and onshore onsite core fracture description & structural analysis as well as studies performed on both recent and old cores at core store/laboratory environment.
Among the main deliverables is the prediction of the optimal drilling direction from oriented core studies thus intercepting the fracture network in order to maximize reservoir performance, whether enhancing production or for more effective stimulation.
The CORIAS high precision AS3D computerized goniometric system is a portable structural analysis tool that allows fracture description & structural analysis to be performed directly on the rig site, maintaining integrity of core samples before cutting and transporting.
This proven approach ensures reliable and highly accurate results providing real time structural analysis and significant rig-time savings. Alternatively, the AS3D computerized goniometer can be used for the same purpose in any core store/laboratory environment.
We are specialized in core reorientation and fracture analysis on old existing cores for field synthesis, please check our Reorientation service and Synthesis study service.We propose also a special modelling for Porosity and Permeability of fractures.
Just send us an email at: to get quotation and prices.