Designed by Corias 
CORe Interpretation ASsistance
Corias - Core Interpretation Assistance - 74, Allee de la Robertsau F-67000 Strasbourg
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The data recording is made using computerized equipment which allows, by three-dimensional
digitization, a direct acquisition of planar and linear structures on cores.

The orientation of the structures is first calculated in relation to a reference scribe line, then
reoriented in the real geographic position

* With an oriented core, the geographic orientation of the structures is calculated immediately, using
the orienting data.

* With a non-oriented core, the reorientation is done using statistic investigations and by comparison
with diagraphic data, especially an attentive and critical analysis of the dipmeter diagraphic logs.

Tectonic information from various sources (seismic, tectonic styolite, borehole ovalisation, etc.) are
also used to determine the real position of the core reference scribe line.